Crystagen №60 – for immune system function


Points: 1320

Bulk: 60 capsules of 0,2 g.


Cytogenes, unlike citomaxes, are synthesized from natural amino acids, receiving as a result the copy of working part of the most active peptide area from all complex, which is contained in extract, that is, one shortened molecule. The synthesized peptides render faster effect, at initial stage starting function of restoration of internals. Physiologically active short peptides are reasonable to use at any age for delaying aging processes, maintenance of metabolic processes normal level, prevention and correction of various diseases, rehabilitation after serious illness, injuries and surgeries. Further, for continuation of positive dynamics in therapy, is recommended reception of citomaxes.

Crystagen represents a complex of short peptides, contributing to normalization of immune system function.


  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of various etiology,
  • ARVI, quinsies, bronchitis, otitises, antritises, pneumonia,
  • cystitis, pyelonephritises, prostatitises, adnexitis,
  • preoperative and postoperative periods at various surgeries,
  • generalized infections,
  • system diseases of connective tissue,
  • autoimmune diseases of various etiology,
  • states after extreme stress,
  • reduced immunity,
  • maintenance of immune system function to elderly people,
  • prevention of oncological diseases,
  • chronic intoxications,
  • rehabilitation period after heart attack and stroke,
  • organism rejuvenation as a part of complex programs.
Application method:
Adults 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day, with meal. Reception duration is 10-30 days. It is reasonable to repeat a course in 4-6 months.


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